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教师资格证面试教案范围案例:My clothes教案

临沂中公教育 2021-04-25 16:13:31 中公在线咨询在线咨询

教师资格证面试考试教案如何写好?为帮助大家查看教资面试教案范例,临沂中公教育特别整理了:教师资格证面试教案范围案例:My clothes教案。更多考试资讯请关注临沂教师招聘微信号(linyijs)。

My clothes教案

Teaching aims

Students can read and write some words about clothes like “cap”, “coat”, “jeans” and “gloves” with the aid of pictures.

Students can use the key sentence “What do you wear in winter?” in a proper situation to talk about their clothes.

Through games and group work, students can use some expressions to talk about their clothes in daily life and their speaking ability can be enhanced.

Students can cultivate a sense of cooperation and understand the importance of cooperative learning.

Teaching key & difficult points

Key point

To master the usages of new words and expressions to describe their clothes.

Difficult points

To use the expressions in their daily life and improve students’ oral English.

To find out the charm of English by repeated practice.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up

1. Daily greeting.

2. Sing a beautiful song named Happy New Year to students. The song is just like this:

Happy new year

Happy new year

Happy new year to you all

We are singing

We are dancing

Happy new year to you all

3. Ask a question: Do you remember what kinds of clothes did you wear when you visited your friends in the Spring Festival. And naturally lead in today’s topic.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1.Show some words about clothes like “cap”, “coat”, “jeans” and “gloves” by drawing stick figures to let students understand the dialogue better.

2.Play a game called High and Low voice. If the teacher reads the word in a high voice, then the students should repeat it in a low voice, and vice versa.

Step 3: While-reading

Read the dialogue for the first time and answer two questions:

Q1: How many people are there in the dialogue?

Q2: What are they talking about?

2. Read the passage for the second time and finish two tasks. The first one is to find out the sentence structures. And the second one is to answer the question: “What does the boy wear in winter?”.

3. Listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the dialogue.

Step 4: Post-reading

Create a situation. Imagine that it is in winter now. It is freezingly cold and it is snowing heavily outside. Two students a group to interview each other about what clothes do they wear in winter and they should write the answers on their notebooks. Remind them of the spelling of the new words and the sentence structures when they are writing.

Step 5: Summary & homework

Summary: Make a summary about the knowledge together.

Homework: Ask parents “What do you were in winter?”. Then share with the class next time.

Blackboard design

My clothes

–What do you wear in winter?

–I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakers.

Teaching reflection












课程推荐:普通话水平测试考试资料 | 教师资格面试课程 | 教师资格考试题库








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